Why Should Plastic Bottles be Banned? (Argument Writing)

Should Plastic Bottles be Banned?

By: Justine Room 7


I strongly believe that plastic bottles should be banned because it harms the environment.


What are plastic bottles?

They are those water bottles that you buy at the shops. They’re in a bottle called a “plastic bottle”, people keep throwing them away and those plastic bottles because they do not have the power to stand up, and throw it in the bin/trash can. They are made from Polyethylene Terephthalate, these are what most plastic bottles are made of.

Bad For The Environment

Environment: Plastic Bottles are poisonous for our sea animals, and that’s one of our problems with plastic bottles. Every time we throw them away in the original bin, it always manages to find it’s way to the sea. It can kill our Sea Animals and it’s a HUGE problem for our world. There’s even Islands of Plastics in the world.

What Is The Replacement

Replacement: We could change it with Styrofoam ones instead, they’re more reliable because they could last very long and won’t decay for centuries. Adding to that, Styrofoams are and might be pretty heavy, but according to Google it is more reliable than plastic.

If Styrofoams Are Actually The Replacement

WHAT IF, Styrofoams were actually our replaced bottles: If they were, we might have a little bit of problems during the first 10+ years, but we will be alright with it for a while. Styrofoams are mostly used for foods but they could possibly carry water too. I mean, what could we change plastic bottles for? Glass Bottles? Nope, Too dangerous for us.


On the other hand, Styrofoams are very hard to recycle, harder than water bottles. Anyways, we’re still gonna throw it in the bins and they would still find their way in the ocean. The Styrofoams could not be biodegradable and are hard to recycle unlike plastic bottles. Besides, It’s still our responsibility.

Why are they so dangerous?

They’re not dangerous to us, but kind of. Even though they help US people, it doesn’t help the environment. It helps us because they contain the water that we drink every day, when we finish it we leave it’s *plastic* bottle behind and never care about it again. But when we leave them or at least throw them in the bin, it somehow finds its way into the ocean, and it harms our ocean animals.



Plastic Bottles are very dangerous for our environment and could kill the ocean animals because the plastics mostly enter the majestic world of the Ocean. These things might be helpful, but we can find something else to hold water bottles. Like styrofoam bottles, they can be fun to play with when you have no water inside them. Plastic bottles are harmful for the environment, if we don’t want to ban it then at least throw it away. But they’d still go in the same way they always go. The Ocean. 

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