Ki Orahi B)


this is a photo of what we did


*rolling subs mean that they can change even though the game is still going.

**monopoly money by the way.

***in our school only, it means that the seniors are the only ones that did it[from our school].


This is my Ki Orahi experience:


On the 13th of June, 2023, we did a tournament involving all of the seniors in St. Patrick’s School in Panmure. The game was called “Ki Orahi”, Mr. Bell told us that there will be 7 kids on the field and 3 rolling subs*. I played two matches in 11:20 AM and in 1:20 PM. At the beginning of the day, I was very excited and nervous at the same time. And the coach even said he was gon’ give the winning team 100 dollars**!!! So, without further ado, this is my review on what we did in the Ki Orahi tournament in our school***!


MATCH 1, 11:20 AM –


Before we started, Mr. Bell told us to go to our teams. Red(Rata), Blue(Rimu), Yellow(Totara), Green(Kauri). I was in group Green(Kauri). We were fighting against group Red(Rata), and we were the first one to battle! During the match, we were being cheered on, and many people were cheering for both teams! In the 20th minute, it was full-time. Guess who won the match? Us! We won 15-11 to Red(Rata). Our team performance was really good, overall our team performance is 8.5/10.




*you should know by now that each round only lasts for 20 mins.


After the match, we watched Yellow(Totara) and Blue(Rimu). The ones that cheered were mostly girls, and they screamed, screamed, and screamed… high pitch screams. My ears were dying at the time, some boys didn’t scream that loud they just went shouting “go Totara!”.

I barely shouted because I had a cough and my throat was kinda bad that day. After the 20 mins, it was full-time*. Sadly, Totara won. I think the scoreline was 7-6? I forgot, sorry!






*Sorry, I have a very bad memory for some reason.


After lunch, we were once again organised, it seems like they cancelled the finals, dang. It was Green(Kauri) vs. Blue(Rimu). We started strong, Blue too.  It was all intense, cheering was gone after the girls got growled for screaming too loud. Everyone was just minding their own business, I felt like this was just an average P.E. game we play every tuesday, not that exciting. But my head felt very bad that match. At the 15th minute I decided to sub out because I can’t run properly if my head hurts, and when I scream, it hurts even more, I can’t even cheer. After the 20th minute. We won! I think…*




* I support the boys B)


This is it. The final match, Yellow(Totara) vs. Red(Rata). I was cheering for Yellow, since Jaeden was there, Jacob too*. Everything was going well, until… Alyvia subbed out, and the replacement was.. Willietonie, the best of the best, against the team I was supporting, this time all hopes were lost, or were they? Yellow tried their best to score against them, overall, all those tries, all those scores, their performance was all worth it. They won.




Everybody was excited, when the coach told us that 3rd place was a tie, I was scared  that we might’ve gone 3rd. Until the coach said it was Blue(Rimu) and Red(Rata). 1st place was… Green(Kauri)! And we won 100 dollars(which is fake)!!

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